Monday, May 4, 2009

Hogar de Cristo, Rosaries and FHE-izzle

Today we went out and met the group, Hogar de Cristo, that we will be working with in the community. Like the name explains, they help provide thousands of homes for the needy people here in Ecuador. The organization also provides several other wonderful helps to the community including health teaching and screening which is what we will be helping them with over the next few weeks.

Today we got to meet two of the organization's big leaders: Roberto (loved the Spanish accent and usage of vosotros) and Luis. I think I can speak for everyone in saying that we found it to be a very well organized and inspiring establishment. As a team, we have a great potential for being able to accomplish a lot of good for the Ecuadorian people over the next few short weeks and we are all pretty excited about it.

We piled into the ambulance and the truck to go out and tour one of their facilities which was cool. We finally got to go out and see some of the more impoverished areas of Guayaquil and it has helped us get excited to serve these great people, if with nothing more than just a "smile and eyes filled with hope."

After meeting Hogar de Cristo, we all went out to get dinner at Cafe Rio, the restaurant of the mom of one of our fellow nursing students, David. It was delicious and gave us all a little energy back from the hot day. After a quick rest back at the hotel, we all met up for FHE where we tried passion fruit (thank you Shelly!) and were spiritually uplifted by a lesson by Taniel and Casey and now it's off to bed to prepare for our first "real" day of clinicals tomorrow!

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