Monday, May 11, 2009

Week 2: Switching it up a bit!

Today we began our second week in Ecuador and thus our second clinical rotation. Our particular group migrated to the maternity hospital to lend a hand in labor support…literally! Much of the time was spent bent over talking calmly to the laboring women, telling them to breathe deeply, holding their hands during excruciating contractions, applying counter-pressure by pushing on their knees or backs (as Ryan is demonstrating so spectacularly in this photo to the right) and basically acting like big teddy bears for them to hug and cling to. I think I speak for everyone, and yes including the boys, when I say that we never want to have a c-section after witnessing a few.

The interesting thing is there is usually a lot of waiting around that just inherently comes when participating in big group activities, and as we all have had a taste of this, I thought I would add a few pictures to show that side of things.

Below is the group at the maternity

hospital patiently waiting for the vans to arrive,
catching a cat nap...showing off some sexy legs...

To the right is the community group also patiently waiting after a long day's work, but they instigated a valiant team effort in order to work in a little shut eye.

And opposed to popular belief, nursing students do need to eat sometimes! In fact, we quite like to eat and we like to eat very often, as portrayed in this very becoming snap shot!

This evening we also had a great FHE where we practiced our muscial number for church on Sunday in which we are going to blow their socks off, and had an uplifting and enlightening discussion about what it is that we know because we have the gospel.

Altogether things are going well...we are experiencing, growing, learning, caring and having a blast here in Ecuador.

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